Latest publications

Roberto Randazzo

Roberto Randazzo

Adjunct Professor

Roberto is partner at an Italian Law firm. For over fifteen years he has been practicing in social innovation, with a consolidated background in social business law, international cooperation and Human Rights. More recently, he has expanded his expertise covering purpose-driven companies and, from a financial perspective, ESG factors and impact investing. Roberto co-founded “Esela - The legal network for social impact”, acting as President since 2019; he is also a member of the Business Human Rights Committee of the International Bar Association  and Advisor of OECD. Since 2012 he is the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Uganda to Milan and Northern Italy. Roberto is member of the extended Faculty of MIP (Politecnico di Milano School of Management)

Research topics:

  • Impact investing
  • Social innovation
  • Business and human rights
  • Sustainability



  • R. Randazzo, E. Giovine, F. Gallo Perozzi, F. Longo “ESG and Impact Investing 2021 – in Italy” in Lexology (2020)
  • R. Randazzo, E. Giovine, F. Gallo Perozzi “Business & Human Rights Report – in Italy” in Lexology (2020)
  • R. Randazzo, “Il diritto come nuovo volto che guarda alla sostenibilità d’impresa” in I volti della sostenibilità, Salone della CSR, Egea (2020)
  • R. Randazzo, G. Taffari, “Il quadro giuridico”, in Co – Economy. Un’analisi delle forme socio-economiche emergenti, D. Lampugnani, M. Magatti, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli (2019)
  • R. Randazzo, G. Taffari, “La dimensione giuridica degli SDGs”, in Cooperative ed Enti non Profit, Wolters Kluwer, (2019)
  • R. Randazzo, G. Taffari, “Impatto Sociale: quali regole?”, in Cooperative ed Enti non Profit, Wolters Kluwer, (2019) 
  • R. Randazzo, “Impact investing: un fenomeno trasversale”, in AA.VV. Le rotte della sostenibilità, Egea (2018)
  • R. Randazzo, “Tutti dicono «sostenibilità»”, in AA.VV. Le rotte della sostenibilità, Egea (2018)