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Word count: 833   Last edited by admin on September 21, 2021 at 5:50 pm
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 Status: Published Edit status
 Visibility: Public Edit visibility
 Revisions: 99 Browse revisions
 Published on: Jun 27, 2018 at 12:00 Edit date and time
SEONot available

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Yoast SEO

Preview as:

Url preview:

www.tiresia.test.polimi.it ›

SEO title preview:

Tiresia – Tiresia
Meta description preview:

Jun 27, 2018 ⋅ Please provide a meta description by editing the snippet below. If you don’t, Google will try to find a relevant part of your post to show in the search results.
SEO title

Title Page Separator Site title
Site title
Meta description

Modify your meta description by editing it right here
Site title


Slider Revolution Options

  • Choose Slide Template
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Elated General

Slider Shortcode

Paste your slider shortcode here

Always put content behind header

Enabling this option will put page content behind page header

Content Styles

Define styles for Content area

Page Background Color

Page Background Image

Page Background Image Repeat
Content Padding (eg. 10px 5px 10px 5px)
Content Padding for mobile (eg. 10px 5px 10px 5px)

Initial Width of Content

Choose the initial width of content which is in grid (Applies to pages set to “Default Template” and rows set to “In Grid”)

Grid Layout Space

Choose a space between content layout and sidebar layout for your page

Boxed Layout



Enabling this option will display passepartout around site content

Smooth Page Transitions

Enabling this option will perform a smooth transition between pages when clicking on links

Show Comments

Enabling this option will show comments on your page

Elated Blog

Blog Category

Choose category of posts to display (leave empty to display all categories)

Number of Posts

Enter the number of posts to display

Masonry – Layout

Set masonry layout. Default is in grid.

Masonry – Number of Columns

Set number of columns for your masonry blog lists

Masonry – Space Between Items

Set space size between posts for your masonry blog lists

Pagination Type

Choose a pagination layout for Blog Lists

Number of Words in Excerpt

Enter a number of words in excerpt (article summary). Default value is 60

Elated Sidebar

Sidebar Layout

Choose the sidebar layout

Choose Widget Area in Sidebar

Choose Custom Widget area to display in Sidebar”

Elated Logo

Logo Image – Default

Choose a default logo image to display

Logo Image – Dark

Choose a default logo image to display

Logo Image – Light

Choose a default logo image to display

Logo Image – Sticky

Choose a default logo image to display

Logo Image – Mobile

Choose a default logo image to display

Elated Header

Choose Header Type

Select header type layout

Header Skin

Choose a header style to make header elements (logo, main menu, side menu button) in that predefined style

Choose Header Behaviour

Select the behaviour of header when you scroll down to page

Sticky Header in Grid

Enabling this option will put sticky header in grid

Sticky Header Side Padding


px or %

Choose Menu Area Position

Select menu area position in your header

Top Area

Header Top Bar

Enabling this option will show header top bar area

Top Bar In Grid

Set top bar content to be in grid

Top Bar Background Color


Top Bar Background Color Transparency

Set top bar background color transparenct. Value should be between 0 and 1

Top Bar Border

Set border on top bar

Logo Area Style

Logo Area In Grid

Set menu area content to be in grid

Background Color

Choose a background color for logo area


Choose a transparency for the logo area background color (0 = fully transparent, 1 = opaque)

Logo Area Border

Set border on logo area


Enter logo area height (default is 95px)

Menu Area Style

Menu Area In Grid

Set menu area content to be in grid

Grid Background Color

Set grid background color for menu area

Grid Background Transparency

Set grid background transparency for menu area (0 = fully transparent, 1 = opaque)

Grid Area Shadow

Set shadow on grid menu area

Grid Area Border

Set border on grid menu area

Background Color

Choose a background color for menu area


Choose a transparency for the menu area background color (0 = fully transparent, 1 = opaque)

Menu Area Shadow

Set shadow on menu area

Menu Area Border

Set border on menu area


Enter header height


Menu Area Side Padding

Enter value in px or percentage to define menu area side padding

px or %
Dropdown Styles

Dropdown Position

Enter value in percentage of entire header height


Wide Dropdown Menu In Grid

Set wide dropdown menu to be in grid

Widget Areas

Disable Header Widget Areas

Enabling this option will hide widget areas from header

Choose Custom Header Widget Area One

Choose custom widget area to display in header widget area one

Choose Custom Header Widget Area Two

Choose custom widget area to display in header widget area two

Elated Title

Show Title Area

Disabling this option will turn off page title area

Elated Content Bottom

Enable Content Bottom Area

This option will enable Content Bottom area on pages